Thursday, October 02, 2008

alleged karaoke

You know the singing is bad when they have to put "karaoke" in quotes. There's more to make fun of here, but I'll leave it to the comments. Thanks, submitter in Dallas.


k-bro said...

Ok, I'll bite...

I don't have a 50 person room or a grand piano to bring to the "recital room".

Grant Fikes said...

I'm guessing that the "recital room" just has a player piano, and the upcoming "karaoke" will be just lip syncing to the lyrics. And is that an unnecessary period I see in "American.and Spanish songs"?

Kattastic said...

I like that they let me know that I can bring my 50 person room and my grand piano, along with my family.

Rich said...

I can bring my kids and my family?

groovyoldlady said...

I'm sorry. I left my 50 person room in the car.

(Love your "blog", btw!)

Lee Benson said...

I'm guessing that their songs are actually "English and Spanish" or "American and Mexican," but I can't be certain.

Unknown said...

Apparently the "Karaoke" happens in the "Recital Room"... which is why the "Recital Room" offers all the free music you can handle :)