ok... yours.
This gallery and studio specializes in things Carlyn has acquired in the time-honored tradition of grabbing it and yelling, "MINE!"
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
you can lie about wheel numbers
nobody wants to get that in the mail
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
also sell it if it's hot
We Care
"We Care" about your "stuff", about the situation in the "Middle East", about the plight of the "homeless", and those little "ankle biter" "dogs".
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Free Drugs and Fireworks
"Double Punch Day" is the secret Pizza Hut code for free drugs and fireworks. Bring your VIP card.
fake americans. they're everywhere.
Click to embiggen so you can read the sign which says:
take back your country
deport illegal immigrants
buy American made
I would like to believe this is an ironic reference to the fact that all americans who aren't native americans are descended from immigrants, but I doubt it. Maybe they mean the people who live in the anti-american states. You know, the blue ones. Thanks, Bianca.
wait, "gas"?
Pepper posted this on her blog ages ago when she sent it in (I'm more than 2 months behind, sorry folks) but I couldn't resist. Fake gas? fake polite? and none of it translated into spanish? awesome.
cops came, had to leave
Maggie spotted this on the door of the secretary in her husband's academic department. There are a number of things Judi could be referencing here. Evidently the department affairs head straight toward Judi's office. I'd go home too.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
ok for homeless too
I don't know what this sign is insinuating about your potential workplace but I don't think it's terribly polite. Thanks, Alex.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
middling breakfasts can happen anytime
Tricia spotted this in Panama. I must say my favorite part is the location and content of the random breakfast food pictures. However, the "blog" has a history of loving breakfasts of questionable quality.
we just have to tell you that
Friday, October 24, 2008
will continue until all our crap is gone
I had some neighbors growing up who seemed to have a garage sale every few weeks. Maybe these folks are similar. Thanks, Ryan. More garage sale silliness here.
pen-like decor
Thursday, October 23, 2008
somebody lives in the restaurant
mmm "dessert"
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
or whatever direction you want
Fake glass is cause for caution. Also, weird dioramas of what goes on in church. Thanks, Lindsey, who saw this at Cross in the Woods in Indian River, MI.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
you know, "church"
moderately sized
mystery destination tours
right this way...
or looking for stand arounders
secret: not really on rye
Monday, October 20, 2008
help the "children"
Eric blogged this one here. Well, your small change will make some childish adults very happy anyway.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Gary writes, "This is part of the shared storage area in my downtown Atlanta loft building. As a matter of grammatic principle, I always leave this door open." It really would be just a little more awesome if there were also quotations on "that means you" but alas. Either way, you can close the door or make it close to closed so your rowdy friends can get in. Whatever.
ok, only some of the time.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
company is a front
We've seen fake professionalism before, but I think this one is extra-special as the name of the company is clearly a cover-name for some other operation. Perhaps one where the professional expectations are... different. Thanks Matt and Mary.
whatever "they" say
My favorite part of this sign is the random quotation marks between statements. Which both are so exciting they get three exclamation marks. Whoever "they" are. Thanks Brian, who spotted this in Fresno.