Friday, September 19, 2008

you know, "upstairs"

Reid saw this one in Turkey. I don't know if "upstairs" is a real place, or mythical one, and who knows what you have to do to get internet.


  1. I love how they put the dot over the first I, making the first letter of the sentence the only lowercase I.


  2. Maybe they mean "upstairs" like your head/brain. Remember when Gilligan started receiving radio signals in his head and the music was coming out of his mouth? Maybe the sign is subtly suggesting that if you whacked someone in the head they could totally be 802.11b-compatible.

  3. Well, it's nice to know that when I get "Upstairs," there will be internet.

  4. @Lew a, to clear up the dot on the I thing, in Turkey there's an "I" with a dot and one without. The one in Internet has a dot, but of course it doesn't in English.

  5. You know, upstairs where the big guy resides.
