Monday, September 22, 2008

"UR"??? really?

The only way this is even a little bit acceptable is if they are trying to do a pun on Abraham's hometown. Thanks, Chris.


  1. Perhaps they are primarily seeking work in ancient Sumeria?

  2. ... oh, you already made that joke. FAIL

  3. For 'all flat surfaces.' I guess that should be in quotes, after all. No way could it be for all flat surfaces.

  4. At least they got "its" correct.

  5. Well, that's a fine way to destroy a cute little slogan; include a non-word and surround it by quotes.
    Half the people who see this vehicle will be thinking, "Ur? What's Ur?"

  6. Sitboaf,

    Unfortunately, that half will all be over 30 -- the other half will say, "Oh, is it not spelled that way?"

    Texting lingo is from the very pit of hell.

  7. I can barely even stomach texting lingo in a text message...on the internet even less so, but for an advertisement? Seriously? Are you trying to get 15-year-olds to contract your services?

  8. Perhaps "Ur" drive is the name of a street in a Biblically-themed neighborhood...? And the idea this particular entrepreneur is trying to espouse involves its revival...?

  9. Right, the "Ur comprehending" half don't own driveways, and if they did, they wouldn't spend their World of Warcraft money to "revive" them.

  10. nooooooooooooooooo! Not UR! I better not get any papers from my students using UR or I will probably go crazy.
