Monday, September 29, 2008


evidently the best these folks know how to recycle is... not so good. I also like the spelling correction. Thanks to Jen in Nova Scotia.


  1. another Nova Scotia submission! you're quite popular here, apparently! maybe i'll get to the top of your inbox eventually...

  2. I like the thanks/super at the that a commendation, like the writer is sure the readers will do a super job at recycling? Or is is the signature of the building superintendent?

  3. Wow, this is just an awesome sign. So, first, I love that only "ay" was crossed out, but "hey" was added... so the "correct" word is "hhey." Other than that, I picture this in a barn over a trash can. That renders the spelling correction incorrect; it addresses the hay guys who handle the hay. It also makes the "Recycle" part work out nicely, as they just throw everything away.
