Thursday, September 11, 2008

answers to "rat"

Damian spotted this one. Does a Shitzu qualify as a dog? Apparently up in the air. I like to believe the maker of this sign is not the primary lover of this pet.


  1. 'answers to rat'


  2. I remember seeing a sign for a missing "shit soo" many years ago in my hometown. I'm betting the dog ran away, realizing its owners were idiots.

  3. I want to know why it seems that nobody who owns this breed of dog knows how to spell it.

    I saw a sign at a car dealership that was advertising "S***ZU" puppies for sale.

    Come on, all together now: Shih Tzu. Spell it right and there is no need for all this senseless asterick abuse.

  4. Looks like they originally wrote MISSING Shitzu, and then as an after-thought wrote "dog" ... it could have easily have been (dog).

  5. A male had to have been the creator of this sign.

  6. Sadly, I think the sign is indicating that the dog's name is...Dog...

    I've seen signs before that say "Missing Dog 'Prince' Reward" blah blah blah...So I really think that the dog's name is Dog.

    Sad days...

  7. Chelsea said...
    "Sadly, I think the sign is indicating that the dog's name is...Dog...

    I've seen signs before that say "Missing Dog 'Prince' Reward" blah blah blah...So I really think that the dog's name is Dog.

    Sad days..."

    I actually know somebody who had a dog named Dog. Then they got another do, and named it...Other Dog. *headsmack*
