Thursday, August 21, 2008

Robert's real name: Confucious.

Ok, unless "Robert E" got that nickname from battling Yankee realtors, I think he needs a cooler one. Like "the Yellow Dart". Thanks, Jason.


Nathan said...

Yes! Kyle "The Yellow Dart" Smith

Sarah said...

But can he offer mortgages or refinancin'?

Anonymous said...

I think someone might have been "Eating One Battery" when they wrote this. Heck, for all I know, you could have been "Eating Five Batteries" at the time...

*~*Cece*~* said...

Hey, that's a phone number from my side of town, L.A., I should call it and say hi to "Robert E"

Grant Fikes said...

Also, we have recently come to find that this house has in no way been targeted for multiple eggings and toilet paperings. So you've got nothing to worry about. Probably just go to your stupid realtor's workplace and buy it and, um, no one at all will egg the everloving crap out of your house.

. . . What? All the good Homestar references were taken!

Anonymous said...

His name is a play on Robert E. Howard, the author and creator of Conan the Barbarian

Dr. Jay SW said...

Listen, I happen to know "Robert E Howell." His given name is Bubby Efervescent, so he uses "Robert E" as his nickname. Leave the man alone.

Anonymous said...

Laughing my arse off! My dad's name is Robert Earl. I think I'll start calling him (finger quotes) "Robert E".

Anonymous said...

The Homestar Runner reference ("The Yellow Dart") is the best part.

bethany said...

I think so too, William. I was quite proud of it.

Lafianza.doula said...

well there is a character named "robert e" on a popular show from the 90's.... perhaps it's in reference to that?? if so that would kinda make the quotes make some kinda sense.

Lafianza.doula said...

hmmmI see there are likley many "robert e" people out there... anyhow I still think he was trying to make a play on it.

(I love this site btw!)