Tuesday, August 05, 2008


People really are "sorry" all over the place, but the fact that each punctuation mark gets its own line makes this sign truly special. Thanks, yay.


  1. The management is quoting someone who is sorry. They, themselves, could give a rat's a$$...

  2. Sounds kind of like an airline's "sorry." We're "sorry" we are delayed. We're "sorry" you can't have a refund. We're "sorry" you didn't get your luggage after paying a fee to check it.

  3. This was an intentional design choice - in the UK at least, Westfield do all their slogans like this, in quotes and with everything on a separate line (like this). It bugs the crap out of me.

  4. Westfield in New Zealand does the same thing. It goes"

    ~advertising drivvle~

    It's wierd. I wonder if the designer of Westfield's campaign thing has seen this?

  5. it's like they are constantly having a laugh behind your backs....
    yeah, we're "sorry". It will "happy" to help *cough*idiot*cough*.

  6. Yeah, Westfield do this all over the place. They are big fans of random punctuation marks.
