Evidently here they demand fake attention for discussion of the appliance formerly known as toilet. However, I am kind of disturbed by this trend this is the third example on this blog of this basic message. Who keeps flushing paper towels?? Thanks, Kathryn.
I'm always amazed at those signs too- They're in a lot of public bathrooms (with or without the unnecessary quotes). I am sure people don't do that at home, so I don't understand why they would do it in a public restroom. But if the signs are there, it must be happening. I don't get it either.
If the sign is posted in the women's bathroom in a bar, then actually, I'm sure it's very common. When the TP runs out people often grab wads of paper towels and then leave them in the stalls for future users. I see it all the time. I always remember to put them in the trash wrapped in another paper towel, but, of course, drunk people might forget that the toilet can't really handle paper towels.
If it's not in a bar, then...I don't know.
"toilet" in this case refers to the laundry basket with a garbage bag liner that they use as a toilet
Here's another really great example of this sort of sign at Found Magazine. Love your site, by the way.
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