Shawn saw this at Big Bone Lick State Park (really) in KY and writes, "I half-expected to see a monkey on a tricycle roll up and offer people rides, but I was ultimately disappointed to see a standard panel van full of tourists ready to see Big Bone. I was also happy to see that the sign was properly amurrica'd with duct tape and a tiny flag."
I don't know why "monkey on a tricycle" made me laugh as hard as it did, but bless you. I've had a very hard day.
Those extraneous quotation marks didn't distract me from noticing the nice rear end, clad in jeans, behind them. Oh! And don't forget the beverage in the jeans-wearer's fingers... :)
"Monkey on tricycle" was indeed a delicious stroke of genius.
There's a "hip" restaurant in New York City's West Village named Bone Lick Park. Now I can finally stop wondering about the name.
The triple UQMs made me laugh out loud--Shawn's comments were just the icing on the cake!!
So glad to see that 'amurrica'd' is now a word that people use. I've only ever heard it from my mother.
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