And it is apparently quite ordinary coffee.
Huzzah! My first submission has been approved! Glad to contribute to this excellent blog.
I think this also qualifies for the *Blog* of *Unnecessary* Asterisks and the Ω Blog Ω of Ω Unnecessary Ω Muffins (those are supposed to be muffins).
This is quite a good deal as a pound of this is $8.50 at the grocery store... And Brian, those look like Indianapolis Colts symbols! How'd you make them?
Does this mean I could get 83 pounds for $14.998?
"I wonder how much that coffee actually weighs."A "pound of coffee" weighs 3 pounds, of course. It says so right there on the sign. That may actually be sufficient to qualify it as special, though it's more of a short-bus kind of special.
@ eilbebackThat's an Omega. You can make special characters in HTML with the right code. For this one, I used:& Omega ;Only without the spaces. Try it. It's ς ω ε ε τ
Whooohoooo! I got it to work, Brian! Thanks!
lol all these "specials" scare me! gives me a certain know that feeling you get when they offer you milk for a few cents at publix?? yup that's it!
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And it is apparently quite ordinary coffee.
Huzzah! My first submission has been approved! Glad to contribute to this excellent blog.
I think this also qualifies for the *Blog* of *Unnecessary* Asterisks and the Ω Blog Ω of Ω Unnecessary Ω Muffins (those are supposed to be muffins).
This is quite a good deal as a pound of this is $8.50 at the grocery store... And Brian, those look like Indianapolis Colts symbols! How'd you make them?
Does this mean I could get 83 pounds for $14.998?
"I wonder how much that coffee actually weighs."
A "pound of coffee" weighs 3 pounds, of course. It says so right there on the sign.
That may actually be sufficient to qualify it as special, though it's more of a short-bus kind of special.
@ eilbeback
That's an Omega. You can make special characters in HTML with the right code. For this one, I used:
& Omega ;
Only without the spaces. Try it. It's ς ω ε ε τ
Whooohoooo! I got it to work, Brian! Thanks!
lol all these "specials" scare me! gives me a certain feeling.
you know that feeling you get when they offer you milk for a few cents at publix?? yup that's it!
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