Sunday, July 06, 2008

not so special

Dan saw this in Dunkin Donuts. I wonder how much that coffee actually weighs.


Zombie Boy said...

And it is apparently quite ordinary coffee.

Unknown said...

Huzzah! My first submission has been approved! Glad to contribute to this excellent blog.

Brian said...

I think this also qualifies for the *Blog* of *Unnecessary* Asterisks and the Ω Blog Ω of Ω Unnecessary Ω Muffins (those are supposed to be muffins).

Anonymous said...

This is quite a good deal as a pound of this is $8.50 at the grocery store... And Brian, those look like Indianapolis Colts symbols! How'd you make them?

Anonymous said...

Does this mean I could get 83 pounds for $14.998?

Erik said...

"I wonder how much that coffee actually weighs."

A "pound of coffee" weighs 3 pounds, of course. It says so right there on the sign.

That may actually be sufficient to qualify it as special, though it's more of a short-bus kind of special.

Brian said...

@ eilbeback

That's an Omega. You can make special characters in HTML with the right code. For this one, I used:
& Omega ;

Only without the spaces. Try it. It's ς ω ε ε τ

Anonymous said...

Whooohoooo! I got it to work, Brian! Thanks!

Bombchell said...

lol all these "specials" scare me! gives me a certain feeling.

you know that feeling you get when they offer you milk for a few cents at publix?? yup that's it!