Friday, July 18, 2008

no "id" no "beer"

I wonder what sorts of things qualify as ID. Maybe ID for a few presidents...? Thanks, Jason.


Lynn said...

Maybe they want you to show just how bestial you can be by shutting down your ego and and superego and letting "id" all hang out, so to speak. Hard to do that with no "beer" though.

AnotherSocialScientist said...

I'm guessing the birth certificate my friend made for my teenaged self on a 30yr old type writer is accepted here.

jawnny said...

How nice to see a six pack of Philly Pale Ale behind this "sign".

Douche Baguette said...

Jawnny -

This pic was talek at the Park Manor Deli at Chelten and Pulaski -

Unknown said...

Intelligent design? No thanks.