this one looks familiar, but I can't find the old post, so I'll put it up now. Plus Kristy's commentary is pretty great, "i take this sign to mean that they have a really limited repertoire of repair skills -- like, they only repair linoleum flooring. or maybe they only have one tool--say, a
hammer but no nails. OR MAYBE "handyman" is actually a code word for "prostitute" and the "we do everything" is a little wink wink about the limits of their sexual services."
This is precisely accurate use! "We Do Everything" is the slogan. It's hyperbole, but it's standard use.
It may be standard usage, but is it "necessary"? Either way, it's still funny whenever someone says that they do "everything" or that they will do "anything".
I've a few suggestion of things I'd like done, but I'll wager that they would refuse!
As such the QMs are completely inappropriate.
scituate and dino, that is precisely why they need the quotations. They don't really do "everything," it is simply a slogan to try and convey, through exaggeration, that they are able to repair most anything around your home. You guys are running out of quality material.
I didn't say they were inappropriate. I suggested they might be unnecessary. Is there any rule that says you must put your slogan in quotes?
If you're quoting something you said... and since it's their slogan they must say it a lot. It seems like this is the perfect reason for using quotations.
I agree; this is a proper use of the quotation marks because this is something they *say*. Your interpretation is only valid if they worded it, [We do "everything"].
I agree with Leif here. This entry is "funny". :(
I think you guys are missing the point. The use of quotation marks may be "correct", but the quotes draw attention to the fact that it's a really dumb slogan. I would say that the slogan itself is unnecessary, which means that the quotes are too.
I thought the point of this site was to mock the incorrect usage of quotation marks.
If it were:
We do "everything"
I'd get it, but this is correct so it's not so funny.
actually, the title says "unnecessary," not "incorrect." Try reading the FAQ.
this seems entirely over-considered. i was amused. i wasn't falling out of my seat laughing. next?
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