Tuesday, June 17, 2008

not so hard

Celeste observes that they can't be that hard to find if it's sitting right there at the flea market.


  1. Maybe they are buried under a lot of other stuff in that bucket? Or maybe that bucket merely holds one of a series of clues, like a scavenger hunt? --Long time "fan," first time "commenter."

  2. I find the chosen adjective "super-nice" as well as the implication that they are somehow rare to be totally incongruous to the pricing of $3 each.

  3. I like your blog. I have one that focuses on the misuse of apostrophes, among other things. If you would be interested in exchanging links, mine is: http://abusedapostrophes.blogspot.com/.

    Keep up the good work and best wishes.

    The Punctuator

  4. Wow. "Super nice" and "rock-n-roll" are so rarely seen together in a sentence these days....

  5. Super nice rick-roll records! Rick Astley's single "Never Gonna Give You Up" with another label and sleeve, perfect for fooling hi-fi nuts expecting another jazz album. Hard to find!
