Saturday, June 14, 2008

not pleased

Rheannon saw this in Hilo, Hawaii.  It's a car dealership.  Slash brothel.


  1. It seems that writing out the word "slash" goes against everything this blog stands for. It is like when people write out the phrase "quote unquote".

  2. ANONYMOUS! I think you've just invented a new form of grammar fascism!

  3. well done Joe Bivins. anon: I think I'll decide what this blog stands for, thanks. I decided to write slash because it better communicated the hilarious delivery that happened in my head. Maybe it wasn't actually that funny. Whatever.

  4. I dunno ... you could have correctly written "car dealership-cum-brothel"! I've been trying to work cum into a sentence for weeks now, and to follow it with brothel is perfect!

    And whats wrong with "quote unquote"? I wouldn't call it formal by any stretch but it's a nice enough idiom ...

  5. I absolutely love "slash" in its written form. Good work.

  6. I am anonymous #1 (not associated with anonymous #2). I didn't mean any harm by my comment. :)

    I understand you were just trying to be funny, I was just trying to be funny too. I thought it would be appreciated given that this blog's purpose seems to be for allowing us to laugh at the writing of others.

    As far as what is wrong with writing out the words "quote unquote", I think it is obvious. When speaking, people will use finger quotes or say things like "quote unquote" because the written quotation marks cannot be seen. There's absolutely no reason to write the phrase "quote unquote" because you can use actual quotation marks.

  7. anon 1/3: sorry for misreading you as hostile.

  8. You have my apologies. I enjoy your blog and it makes me laugh. :) Thanks.

  9. I'll take the Red Mustang...can I get a Happy Ending with that?

  10. About finger quotes: often while typing I wish I was talking face-to-face with someone so I could use finger quotes. Someday I hope technology will catch up to my dreams.

  11. Buy a car AND get pleased... Definitely worth going to Hawaii. (Snarcasm)

  12. help.
