This sign, submitted by David, looks remarkably similar to this one. And so does the guy holding it for that matter. I think we have a repeat offender on our hands. The "details in the bible" bit on this one is really my favorite, though it does not have quotations. Maybe the "while you are able" bit signifies a subconscious affinity for Calvinism?
Vinnie saw this one when he was at a hotel in Iowa for work. I would clearly go to this place, because it's called Sneaky Pete's, and I don't care what they cook the food on, when, and what kind of service the bar has.
This one is funny because of what Scott wrote: "This is in the underground parking at my work. I have a hunch that the parking attendant posted it, without permission, for himself."
In other news, I can't figure out how to paste things from email without changing the font. Sorry for the ugly.
This from Isaac. I guess "gas" is technically ok since it's short for gasoline. Or maybe it's good on farting. However, if I knew Bob, I would totally call him by his phone number.
This resides in Kieran's office. Kieran remarks, "At least I know now why there are always people in the conference room who HAVE NOT reserved the room through Lotus Notes when I HAVE."
Jeff points out that while these would be appropriate in many places (as we have observed). However, this was taken IN Philly. Which makes me rather confused.
Jen saw this one at the hospice her aunt is staying at. I like that it leaves the impression that "poison ivy" is the nickname of the path. Or of the person the sign is directed at.
Mike sent me these featuring his friend Jacqui emphasizing the emphasis quotes. It's somewhere in Canada. I like that these are clearly the same place, but have different messages with different misuse of quotation marks. I am not sure if it's actually "noisy" or not.
this one you probably have to enlarge to see, but it says "songwriter" nashville's newest "Rozetta Linger". Susan saw it in a parade. I guess she is having her songs ghostwritten and using an assumed name. Good one.
Christian saw this on VanCouver Island. I like the way the quotation marks surround the english and french versions both. Also, I guess the warning is to prevent you from licking the building?
Nicole and Katie saw this at Ralphs in San Diego. It seems that if you show up with just a check, they might take it anyway. But then everyone behind you in line will hate you.
This one is from Matt. The content is awesome, and the extra QM for no reason is just icing. Really, you should turn slow + easy no matter what you're doing.
I never understand putting these signs on cars. Your asshole driving is in memory of your deceased friend or relative? Thanks for the update. But this memory may or not be loving. I'm not sure if that's better or worse. Thanks, Matt.
this one is a little sketchy because the quotation marks were added later and make no sense. Unless it's all an innuendo about wanting some illicit deal in the bathroom. Thanks, Chris!
Jessica spotted this in NYC. Maybe they're using the same book as these guys. I like the way it's just stuck in there like its own statement. Like, what about "the Bible"?
Kevin writes, "I saw this sign at Mellon arena in Pittsburgh before a Penguins game. Sounds like they are a bit skeptical about the quality of Pittsburgh TV."
Also, apparently members of the TV crew are not the only ones allowed.
I think if they are going for a slogan here, they should really get rid of the half-hours. Submitter Lindsay suggests the shirts may actually repeat this slogan, which would be quite frightening.
Heather suggests that somebody added the caveat about lamps to make the quotation marks on this one necessary. Which would be pretty awesome.
Mikey G explains, "It's from First Monday Trade Days in Canton, TX. Basically, the world's biggest open-air flea market. People rent scooters and ride them around because the place is so big (and they're so lazy - half the people riding them aren't even elderly or disabled in any way). But yeah, apparently some scooters are allowed near the place through which people might enter."
Andrew saw this at a Mexican place in St Louis. Perhaps getting mexican food catered is not so "smart" after all? Maybe they are just acknowledging that a lot of people get dumber after graduation.
Rosemary spotted this in Manhattan. Perhaps when it opens, it will be a bank, rather than a "bank". Or maybe it will be a front for the CIA, like on Alias.