Tuesday, May 06, 2008

who knows how old it is

rock-hard cake: 50% off. Thanks, Chris.


  1. Maybe it is not fresh, but not necessarily exactly one (1) day old, so the sobriquet evokes the "day-old" milieu.

  2. How do you maintain a day-old bakery? Keep shutting down and opening up somewhere else? It doesn't sound very profitable.

  3. um, I don't think those are correct uses of the words "sobriquet" or "milieu". Nice try though. It's also twice as many fancy words as I believe is acceptable in a non-academic sentence. But that's a style preference.

  4. Excellent point, Hissyfit!

    Um, excellent point, Bethany as well. I did that one time during an English class my freshman year of college. Going for a wow home run, I got out my handy Thesaurus and replaced all the non-fancy words with humdingers! It was a superfluous masterpiece! Needless to say, I didn't get the best grade. And the prof told me to run back to my dorm room and burn Roget. (Sniff.)
