Friday, May 16, 2008

spaced out nose

Jim spotted this one in Virginia.  Evidently not so watchful?  Watchful other body parts?


  1. The "Watchful Eye" is rather dilated, I think it might be on drugs.

    Someone should keep on eye on it...

  2. Ack...I don't much care for that disembodied eye!

  3. I myself have a very watchful right middle finger...

  4. What a creepy sign. Also, that eye has an eyebrow growing directly on its lid. Are we sure this wasn't taken in WEST Virginia?

  5. "Watchful Eye" Neighbors is a euphemism for "Nosy elderly folks with no life."

  6. The "watchful eye" also has a serious dark circle and bag problem. Obviously, it doesn't get enough sleep. Looks more maniacal than watchful.

  7. It's a Masonic eye.
    The New World Order will make sure you, your spouse, your 3 kids, your 2 cats and 11 tropical fish are just fine.
    Also, your left rear tire is a little low and your sewer bill will be overdue in 3 days.

  8. sitboaf, you crack me up.

    I think that eye looks like it belongs to a criminal.

  9. If "Watchful Eye" is the name of the neighborhood group or a subdivision thereof, this is a perfectly valid use of quotation marks, especially if it's not a widely known name. Apparently you guys think the only valid use of quotation marks is to indicate a euphemism? Strange.
