Saturday, May 03, 2008


Adam saw this at Dairy Queen in Cincinnati. I suppose that a fast food job is not really perfect for anyone...


Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with this one. It's like the proprietor is make a personal recommendation to the reader like "good to the last drop" or "you'll really like it".

Anonymous said...

Just so no one else needs to look this up; Good to the last drop! is trademarked (i.e. stamped with the raised TM) but never bracketed by quotation marks.

WhateverLolaWants said...

$8/hr?!?! Wow! Is the Ohio minimum wage higher than Indiana's? Ours was at $5.15 for about a decade, and is now in the middle of a two-year progression to $7.15 or something.

Anonymous said...

Jason, you seem pretty "sure". However, one example is enough to prove your "never" to be wrong. Here's you go: maxwell house image .