This trail will not magically take you home, homecoming is just its nickname. Don't get confused, the quotation marks are here to help you! Spotted by Mark in Oakville, Ontario.
Heh, if that's just its nickname, that means that otherwise the sign would just be labeled "Trail", which is not very helpful at all. Superfluous quotation marks are so amusing!
Heh, if that's just its nickname, that means that otherwise the sign would just be labeled "Trail", which is not very helpful at all. Superfluous quotation marks are so amusing!
Maybe they're referring to the great play "The Homecoming" by recent Nobel prizewinner Harold Pinter...
Um, "it's nickname"? On a blog that makes fun of punctuation errors?
It's happens!
oops. I'm human too. I fixed it.
Let's just be glad the sign doesn't say The Home "Coming" Trail. That road leads right to the Bunny Ranch.
Sam should also have caught the two comma splices in the commentary. Some of us still hold the semi-colon dear!
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