Friday, May 02, 2008

keep "friends" off too

This is on the courthouse lawn of Mary's town. I wonder how many kinds of creatures are included as "dogs"?


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud at this one! (Fortunately, my boss was on the phone and didn't notice.) I wonder if anyone you consider a "dawg" needs to keep off the grass too?

kjl said...

I guess we're talking about actual canines or anyone else who might want to poop here?

Sarah Laurence said...

What a funny blog! I'm living in England this year and they don't even want "people" on the grass. There's a debate raging here about eliminating the semi-colon; what an outrage!

Anonymous said...

i can't believe how many people misuse the quotation mark. I stumbled on your blog and I am in awe of this... I know I will now notice this "Everywhere". He! He!

Joe S said...

Is it okay for ferrets to be on the grass?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it might be a pun. "Dogs" is also a slang term for feet. ("My dogs are barking" = "My feet hurt.")

KJ said...

Could be a nice way of saying, "Please keep your 'freaking annoying children' off the grass."

Anonymous said...

However, when all the dogs in the neighborhood have finished with their business on the grass - and killed it - they can write Please keep dogs off "grass", which would be appropriate use of " marks.

whew, did that make any sense to anyone but me ? :)

Haizum said...


This is great. Now I'm going to "notice" quotation marks everywhere!