Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I love "disco"

Gemma writes, "St Davids is the smallest city in the UK. Which explains why they only have one "disco".
To be honest, I think anyone after a good time would be better off going to the Pembrokeshire Craftsmens Circle Exhibition."

I especially like the single quotes around 'tonight'.  What night is it?  Why single quotes instead of double quotes?


  1. I like the overall ambiguity of it. It's sometime somewhere and there will be music. The big question is, does the music start at 2am or is that when it ends?

  2. It's single quotes because it's Britain, and that's the usage there--the UK uses single where the US uses double, and vice versa.

  3. really? So then the "disco" one is weird?

  4. And now I see that "Disco" is contained within double quotes. Welsh intransigence?

  5. Single, double, what difference does it make in the overall weirdness of it? "Tonight" and 'Tonight' are both not Tonight.

  6. Is that "disco" or "disgo"? Ambiguous indeed.
