Thursday, April 17, 2008

soy milk?

John sent me quite a few photos from the St. Johns county Flea Market in St. Augustine, Florida. We agree, this one is the best. I wonder what it's really boiled in??


  1. Considering the sort of semi-literate vendors that populate flea markets it's not surprising they'd misplace a few quotes.

  2. You really do not want to ask.

  3. Remember that episode of The Simpsons where they find out that Fat Tony is selling Rat Milk to the school? I bet THAT is what they mean by "milk"

  4. If you are worried about the sketchy "milk," just go to the vendor right behind them; they apparently boil their corn in regular milk. And, by the way, is this a common phenomenon--boiling corn in either pretend or real milk? We use what we like to call water at our house.

  5. Actually the "milk" could be from the corn, not cow/goat/yak, hence the quotes. That's what we hicks call the white, liquid stuff in each kernel of corn.

  6. My favorite part is that the sign in the background has quotes, too.

  7. Got "Milk"?

    (Somebody had to say it.)
