Friday, April 04, 2008

really it's a wall

Andy saw this at a gas station. I like the clip art sign on the sign. And the possibility that it is not, in fact, a door. I suppose if it's always closed, it may as well not be.
Thanks everyone for your kindness, I'm still not feeling great, but I am doing better.


  1. Whoever made the sign might not be certain about the "door" but they went out of their way to thank Julie in the lower right corner. How sweet.

  2. This may be one of my favorite posts ever.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This makes me think of a sign that I saw on a gate in a metal fence that read, "Keep this gate closed at all times". It made me wonder why they didn't just make it all fence. Nice post!

  5. Amazing clip art on that sign.

    Glad you're feeling better. Being sick is never good.

  6. I'm having an existential crisis about the existence of said door!

  7. I love the grass on the clip art sign...that really pulls the whole thing together.

  8. When is a door not a door?

    When it's ajar!

    Hah, ha.
