Tuesday, April 22, 2008

or for batman

ok, it might not be YOUR idea of perfect. Or I might be thinking of someone else when I make it. Spotted at starbucks in Arizona by A. D.


  1. 'Everytime' is a new and disgusting 'word'. I'm used to seeing the all-too-often misuse of 'everyday' (when it should be 'every day'.

  2. What sets your blog apart from all the rest (Well, you're actually the only one.) are your titles. This is a "classic".

  3. I think they intentionally used "for you" as a way of saying, "we know you like your half caff, non fat, 2 splenda, sugar free vanilla mocha with whipped cream, but we think it sucks!"

  4. I have the same pet peeve, Mr. Spelchekr.

    On the subject of this sign, I also don't put much stock in contracts sealed with signatures made on a blackboard.

  5. thanks, comoprozac. I do what I can.

  6. Urgh. I detest that everytime and everyday thing (except everyday as an adjective). Drives me insane.

  7. uh oh. if a missing space is what drives you insane, take that as an alarming cue to get out of the house more often. at least once everyday.
