Saturday, April 12, 2008

not that large

Sharon photographed both sides of this sign in Post Falls, ID. I wonder if Dave thought, "hey, while I'm making untrue claims in quotation marks, I might as well go big!"


  1. Dave, Dave, Dave...

    Oh, my.

  2. I like how Sharon not only took a picture of the sign as she drove by it, but turned around in her seat for another angle while driving...
    Unnecessary QMs may be part of the plague, but let's not let the uninfected of us have death by photograph


  3. You may put your mind at rest -- Sharon was the passenger. ;)

  4. I particularly love that Dave tells one story on one side and a different story on the other...are you the "northwest's largest" or the "world's largest," Dave? Are the drivers from, say, the southbound side more gullible than the northbound ones? Hm.

  5. Kate, Dave isn't making a contradictory assertion. On one side, he's claiming to be the world's largest Dodge-Chrysler-Jeep dealer; on the other side he's claiming to be the Northwest's largest GMC dealer. Different products, different claims, and he also makes them on his web site, .

    No connection to his dealership, I'm a site passer-by via the Salon write-up. JJS.
