Wednesday, April 09, 2008

inexplicable dash

Kelly at Bennington College saw this one in the dining hall. Evidently you should maybe use the other side, after wandering around for a while. And Emily Dickinson wrote it.


  1. Everybody in the room is looking at me after I cracked up at the Emily Dickinson comment.

    I wonder if you can sing this sign to Gilligan's Island?

  2. Ha! The Dickinson joke is perfect.

  3. Hmmm, I always heard it was The Yellow Rose of Texas. (That blew my AP English teacher's mind way back when.) Gilligan's Island is pretty hysterical.

  4. There are lots of songs it works with. Amazing Grace is another one. (Incidentally, this also means you can do it with the songs too - i.e. you could sing Amazing Grace to the Gilligan's Island medly, or vice versa.)

  5. ok, "because I could not stop for death" is pretty funny to either gilligan or the yellow rose. I'm glad you all got the dickinson joke, I was afraid it might be too nerdy.

  6. O Bethany, while I am charmed by your suggestion that "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" might confuse your readership, surely you must know that it's mostly nerdy English majors like myself who frequent your blog.

  7. oh, I meant that the initial reference (about the dash) might have been too oblique.

  8. The Dickinson comment is seriously 100% the funniest joke I've seen on this website.

    I think.

    Actually, there have been a lot of funny jokes. I don't know.

  9. I love this site.

    I'm wondering, after I use the other side, first, can I use this side???

    Will my card be stamped to show which side I used first?

  10. Hi Bethany,

    I'm a frequent lurker but hardly ever comment. The Emily Dickinson thing had me burst out laughing at the office. Awesome!

    Or, Rather,
    Awesome -

  11. ok ok, who's going to explain the singing and emily dickinson joke to the rest of us?

  12. it's not funny when you explain it, but ok. The writing looks like an Emily Dickinson poem because she ended a lot of her poetic lines with dashes. Also, many Dickinson poems are written in a standard meter that can be sung to a lot of melodies.

  13. I do love -
    the Dickinson joke -

    and will always -

    (my pathetic attempt. no, I got it right away and loved it. but I'd never heard about sining Dickinson to Gilligan's Island or others.)

  14. The Emily Dickinson thing made me burst out laughing.

    Of course, I've been laughing at all of the posts, but this one made me laugh especially hard.
