Saturday, March 08, 2008

"waste toner bottle" or whatever

Matthew works for a college where he found this. What are they REALLY waiting for? What happened to the OLD "waste toner bottle"?


  1. I think Godot has it.

  2. awwww snap! Absurdist drama reference, I love it!

  3. what is waste toner? different than regular toner, comprised of toner byproduct?

  4. Seems like a perfectly reasonable use of quotation marks here. The product they're waiting for probably is, in fact, called the "waste toner bottle", and the writer probably is specifying that. It's a little weird, but not incorrect.

  5. That *IS* what it's called, but I don't think you want people writing they're waiting for "Richard."

  6. It IS a waste toner bottle... But there's no need to wait for it... You can dump some toner out of it and put the old one back in.

  7. I agree with Richard. I think the note's author is probably quoting the copier's display screen, which presumably was showing an error like "Please reorder waste toner bottle now." That seems correct to me.

  8. Concur with proper usage. This note is probably so information technology people don't think the note is bogus. It's quoting the machine's error code.
