Monday, March 10, 2008

"a" restaurant

Seth saw this one in Peru. Aside from the weird, possibly pretentious, quotation marks (dahling, Fallen Angel is "the" restaurant) it is quite an aesthetically pleasing place.


  1. Your blog is hilarious - so right on. It's amazing that so many people misuse quotation marks. As the daughter of an English teacher I am probably fussier than most, but c'mon people! Don't they realize that poor grammar and atrocious spelling makes them look stoopid? Thanks for this fun blog!

  2. From this picture, I can only assume that this must be "the" restaurant of munchkins.

  3. I found the name of this restaurant rather odd so I Googled it. Now that I've read the website, I understand it even less! (No insight about the UQMs yet, either.)

  4. Maybe they serve French tea?

    Or maybe one may eat "the" there. Just everything cut into or spooned into "T," "H," and "E" shapes...
