Monday, March 10, 2008

not YOU....

Autumn saw this at work. She acknowledges, "Knowing that this poor guy had to put up the sign for a third time, in a bathroom that grown women use, almost makes me excuse the excessive use of quotes." Almost.


  1. That this is the third in a series of signs designating the "toilet" unusable is as funny as the quotation marks.

  2. Actually it was probably because he put the first two notes in quotes that he had a problem. They didn't take him seriously.

  3. plus bonus apostrophe abuse: "thank's" twice!

  4. I think the second note is like subtitles for those who don't speak Brokenapostrophese.

  5. snort. "Brokenapostrophese." Grammar geeks unite! We have a name for it!
    Why would you use a broken toilet anyway? If it says its broken, go in the mens. I'd rather go in the dirty guy's bathroom then have a toilet flood all over my pants.

  6. haha "i ask you.." i love this one. the desperation.

  7. I have a feeling it's not out of order, and he finally put that sign up just to get people to stop. I'd do the same thing.

  8. I guess once a toilet is broken, it becomes just a porcelain bowl with water in it, thus deeming it a quasi toilet, or "toilet".

  9. i love how the first line contains nested scare quotes

    "I ask "you" not to use"...

