Monday, March 17, 2008

fake polite about tipping

This sign has some serious syntax issues. I think they are pretty serious, to the point of inpoliteness about tipping and letting people know things in advance.


  1. Yeah, this one doesn't help me want to tip at those places, now that I'm not sure if they really want me to.

    To quote a favorite radio station commercial saluting "Mr. Fancy Coffee Shop Coffee Pourer Guy," "Sure, you charge five bucks for a cup of coffee; it's putting that tip jar out that takes real guts."

  2. "Please!" or don't. I'm on salary and don't get tips, so I don't give a shit.

    And Lynn, I love that one (as a Starbucks barista), though (as an advertising student) I love all the BudLight saluting ads. My favorite part of that one is: "They call it a latte because it costs a latte, and it takes a latte time to make"

  3. i have no idea what this sign says because i'm distracted by those happenin' fingernails!

  4. oh hai. welcum. iz u habbing tip? plz 2 tell kitteh b4. udderwise kitteh krys. kthxbai.

  5. Uh oh. You have committed a cardinal sin of literary hating. You have criticized someone else's writing using a sentence that itself has issues. There is no such word as "inpoliteness."

    The only thing worse than that, would be the 3rd degree of hypocrisy. That is, pointing out an error in someone's critical sentence, using yet another flawed sentence.

    The risk involved in posting this comment is enormous. God I hope I didn't screw anything up.

  6. You began consecutive paragraphs with "The." Very uncool.
    Grammar - ur doin' it rong.

  7. Dammit. Grammar criticism is always a dicey preposition. I should have noun better.

  8. We don't care. We don't care. No, we still don't care about Bethany's grammar, be it good or bad. I should start a blog that documents every time someone comments about something Bethany did wrong. It will be a sister blog of "these quotes are totally necessary" and "Wow, I 'just' found your 'blog' and it is 'great'!"

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I believe you mean, whether it is good or bad.

    But I guess I have to, er, spell this out. I was mostly interested in making bad self referential jokes and punning gratuitously. It was just predicated on the grammar discussion. I'm sorry to be so indirect, object if you must.

  11. It's "impolite" not "inpolite". Have you got the spell-check in Firefox turned on?

  12. I TOOK THAT PIC TOO!!! Since my cousin told me about this site, i see unnecessary quotes ALL THE TIME. It's like i have a knack for it or something. Those aren't my nails by the way. . . . LOL!!! She was holding down the Saran Wrap for me so i could get a good shot. Thank my cousin for being internet guru who can post my photos. GO KELLY!!!

  13. wait, minus the too. I've only had one posted so far. I've taken many is what i was thinking i guess. Sorry. More will come.
