Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Cindy says this is a nice restaurant. However, they have one or more of the following: 1) imitation crab meat 2) decorative crab statues 3) an STI.


  1. I tend to think they were going for a pun here. Still hilarious.

  2. The fact that they used two open QMs tells me they probably didn't realize the pun. I'm allergic to shellfish anyway, but I definitely would avoid this place!

  3. The friends who own the restaurant must be REALLY GOOD friends.

  4. It's nothing to brag about.

  5. The fact that "Friends" is rainbow-y is also really funny. This warrants real attention.

  6. I agree, I think it is a pun. Still funny :)

  7. a pun on what? crabby people?

  8. oh, I think this is one of those things where I'm a little slow because I went to christian school.

  9. It probably depends on where it's located. There are many places in the country where that sort of pun wouldn't fly (I'm not being stereotypical; I live in one)

  10. Um...if this is a pun, or some "homo" inside joke, that's bad business. Which is not to say that I wouldn't go there. Bethany: srsly,ur sooo slow, obv its a GAY joke

  11. OK, I get the STI inference, crabs being the vernacular for pediculus pubis - but as a homosexual reference I too am stumped. Must be my Christian school upbringing too. Is pubic lice more common in the homosexual world? I have not found that to be so around here.

  12. No, pubic lice isn't more common in the homosexual world. Just rainbows. =)

  13. "pediculus pubis"? Really?

    "Is pubic lice more common in the homosexual world? I have not found that to be so around here." I'm sorry, I'm not trying to pick on you or anything, but this begs the question: Done a lot of comparative research, have you?

  14. I too think it's a (dated) friends-of-Dorothy, over the rainbow restaurant, but I don't see why the crabs joke is funny (if it IS a joke).

  15. And where is Jeff? I can't believe he hasn't weighed in on this one.

  16. excuse me, but why is it a GAY joke?? how bizarre of you. or telling. did you mean that gay people might be more prone to make outlandish, off-color jokes about sexual stuff, or that they're more promiscuous, perhaps? either assumption is embarassingly stereotypical.

    that sign is shocking and hilarious, and too good to be true, and one can only speculate about the rainbow friends (and i love what tatman said), but that jump-to-conclusion kind of hit a sour note.

  17. so it's a weekly eff, but it's not clean.

  18. Wow. Late to the game and all the controversy. And ALL I was going to comment on was the fact that people should learn to use close quotation marks. They seem so obvious, pointing in toward each other, making a nice, tidy package. :)

  19. Sorry I'm so late to the game, NQTB.

    I think this one is ALMOST too easy to be so funny.

    And as for the gay references, I also noticed the rainbow font, but I'm not sure that it means all that much. As for the joke, apparently the gay community has not yet overcome its promiscuous and disease-ridden reputation. Oh, how far America has come...

  20. that explains why I didn't get it. I just don't think that's funny. Oh well.

  21. I pass this place every day on the way to work, and have known at least one person who has worked there. It's reportedly actually pretty good, but that sign gives me the heebie-jeebies too much to have tried for myself...

    Incidentally, it actually IS gay-run, but the "crabs" banner is just a very, very unfortunate choice of pun that I can't believe is still hanging there after all this time (a couple of years, at least).

  22. I laughed right out loud!! Hysterical!
    Don't think I'd eat at that restaurant...

  23. funny, dude. they even didn't enclosed it with the proper quotation :)

  24. Oh I know this place, it used to be my favorite Vietnamese resturant and no caters to the gay community.

    I always thought the "crabs" was and intentional STD reference.
