Tuesday, March 04, 2008

ambiguous preposition

So, where, now? Good thing I don't smoke, it looks confusing. Thanks, Tuesday.


  1. One wonders if it would've been easier to list the places smoking wasn't allowed. Of course, then they'd probably get slammed for tacitly supporting it or something similar.

    I wonder if you can get in trouble for standing on parking lot #11 and smoking rather than in the asphalt.

  2. Perhaps smoking is preferred around the edges of the parking lots and courtyards rather than more within.

  3. See, these places are all outside, so smoking is allowed "in" these outside places.

  4. Aw, but everyone knows smoking "in" the asphalt is the latest trend!

    Anyone else love how smoking is allowed "in" the math and science center?

  5. I wish they'd written "smoking"; it would have been so much funnier.
