Tuesday, February 05, 2008

will foul up your needlework

Laura in Maryland sent me this. At least they are honest about their "helpfulness". It reminds me of when my dad was working on his PhD and my toddler siblings would "help" him read...


  1. at least there is truth in advertising,yes??

  2. I picture a really nasty old woman who sits there smoking and drinking brandy while criticizing your work.

  3. Oh PHEW! I was really sweating what to do about all my NEEDLEWORK PROJECTS. Good thing there is someone I can turn to, even if it is just for "help". I don't know though- $20.00/HOUR(!) seems a bit pricey for help of any variety- not just the questionable kind.

  4. Methinks the rest of the signmaker's free time is spent studying the "Idiot's Guide to Acupuncture."

  5. Helper: Shut your festering gob, you twit! Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, coffee-nosed, maloderous, pervert!!!

    Customer: Look, I CAME HERE FOR HELP WITH MY NEEDLEPOINT, I'm not going to just stand...!!

    Helper: Oh! I'm sorry, but this is abuse.

    Customer: Oh, I see, well, that explains it.

    Helper: Ah yes, you want room 12A, Just along the corridor.

    Customer: Oh, Thank you very much. Sorry.

    Helper: Not at all. (Under his breath) Stupid git!!

  6. I think that if that were the sign outside my local needlework shop (I cross-stitch...), I'd probably wander in and ask the smart-ass question - What exactly does "help" mean? (along with doing the air-quotes with my fingers)

    As for the $20 fee - for needlework that's not that outrageous if you're helping someone choose the right threads, colors and textures for a painted canvas...

  7. "Shut your festering gob":
    That is going to be in my head for weeks! LOL.

  8. Oh man! That wasn't directed at you, whizgidget!

  9. Oh, "great"!! Like I "really" "needed" another blog to read. (This is all WG's fault, of course; she's the one who led me here.)
