Monday, February 11, 2008


Jim is so good at finding these. I also like the part about highest prices. Probably for sellers AND buyers, eh?


  1. I REALLY like that they misspelled Anapolis! Perhaps they should have put that word in quotation marks too...

  2. I REALLY like that they misspelled Anapolis! Maybe that should have been in quotation marks too....

  3. Do the two arrows mean you turn right and turn right again?

  4. jesly:

    Huh? I don't know what "Anapolis" to which you're referring, but the capital of Maryland is, in fact, Annapolis. I should know; I've been there. I had crab cakes. They were delicious.

    If you don't trust me on this, trust Google Maps. They're never wrong.

  5. I love it when someone who is in the higher education field doesn't know how to punctuate. It makes me feel glad that people are paying a ton of money for an "education" there. And yes, I meant that!!

    Oh, Jimmy is right. I've live in Maryland all my life. It's Annapolis.

  6. I can set up anything "official" I want, too!

    BTW, jimmy, Google maps, while wonderful, isn't 100%. I work as a concierge and can't tell you the number of times Google has given me the address of a restaurant or store I know doesn't exist.

  7. True, jeff, but I don't think they'd mess up something as big as the capital of Maryland.

  8. True, jimmy, they'll just change it when they finish taking over the world.
    /conspiracy theory

  9. true, jeff.

  10. With the amount of money my aunt spent to send my cousin there, she might puke a little to see that.

  11. I think "Highest prices" should be in quotes.
