Usually, I know in my heart what a user thinks the quotation marks are doing in a given use - either they create emphasis, mark a pun or a slogan, in extreme versions maybe they serve as decoration. Here, I just don't know. Thanks for sending me this, James.
How festive!
The word "No" isn't centered either. Very avant-garde.
This is hilarious! I see stuff like this all the time, and it drives me crazy!
This is one of those things that you look at and just have to go WTF?
Friends don't let friends punctuate signs while drunk.
It reminds me of a wink, how it's just on the one side... very subtle
that sign maker should be cut off. clearly not following his own advice.
I think the quotes are meant as double exclamation marks. Not that it makes any sense whatsoever, just a feeling I got.
uh, thanks? victor, I have no idea what your point is, but do desire to point out that I'm a woman. She.
just giving you a hard time, I get mis-gendered from time to time and am beginning to believe that people assume funny=male. It's not.
I'm still not sure what your point is, though, besides proving how pretentious you are.
Sorry to have misunderstood you. I will take your participation for what it is, and leave my discussions of wordiness and the male generic for a more appropriate venue.
I admire "pretentiousness" when it is framed with "brevity".
Perhaps the closing quotation mark at the end of "Absolutely" was actually intended to be the opening quotation mark of "No"? It seems that whomever typed the sign might have been a little late in pushing the enter key after the first line.
Or maybe it's a totally new and avant-garde usage of punctuation.
For some odd reason, this one makes me laugh more than any other. Perhaps the levels of pathetic AND illiterate are at their highest. Though 12:47 could be right with the avant-garde evaluation...may be a new trend in sorta-quotes.
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