Monday, January 28, 2008

part time-ish

Brian saw this and a few others at a stop-and-shop in his hometown. I suspect they will pay you for part time, but expect you to work full time without benefits. I'm sure it's a "good job".


  1. And the hanging asterisks! Ouch!

  2. I suspect they are going to work the stuffing out of the poor "part time" employee

  3. If there was a Blog of Unnecessary Underlining, this sign would be a poster child. Someone needs to hide the underscore command from whomever made that sign.

  4. So if part of the work is time, what's the other part?

    Seriously, a hyphen is not that difficult to type instead of a space.

  5. The asterisks are the Big Problem!

    Two implies I missed the one-splat footnote completely. And to what does the two-splat footnoot refer?
