Saturday, December 22, 2007

what else is his "job"?

Eric says "thank God ESP isn't really my job." Kind of reminds me of someone else who is confused about his job description.


  1. There is no need for gratuitous Bush bashing. Do you not realize that you do have some readers who aren't anti-Bush? Or do you just like being divisive and offensive to some of your readers?

  2. If there is any president who deserves bashing...

  3. I would consider that more Bush-joshing. I have plenty of problems with the way he governs, but here I'm equal opportunity about making fun of verbal errors, including bush-isms. Don't mean to be offensive.

  4. It's a personal blog, she can talk about whatever/whoever she wants. She has no reason to impress you or cater to your needs.

  5. There are people who aren't anti-Bush?

    Do they watch the news?!

    Seriously, though, if it's on youtube, it happened and we're allowed to make fun of it. You can make fun of how fat and preachy Gore got if you want.

  6. Ah, speaking of... Al Gore and his ridiculous "Nobel Peace Prize" which he received for making the world aware of "global warming" which we had all been previously advised of anyway and which, incidentally, cannot be proved... now there is a topic for a bunch of useful sarcastic quotation marks.

  7. ...there are still people who like Bush?

    I figured that being divisive by bashing Bush was similar to being divisive by complaining about necrophilia or cannibalism.

    Sure, you're going to offend three or four people, but who cares?

  8. That's some pretty good handwritten Papyrus font. Impressive until the bad quotation marks.

  9. now wait a minute, brady. he did invent the internet. what thanks does he get for that?
