Friday, December 14, 2007

that's just not right.

Bill saw this in San Francisco. That's just crazy, who uses quotation marks as incorrect apostrophes? Or maybe they're trying to set off the word "sho" (different from ""ske"").


  1. I'm thinking maybe they used the quotes because they look kinda like claw marks, giving the poster a scarier vibe. But still, it's wrong.

    On a different note, check out today for some more unnecessary quotation marks.

  2. The scarecrows belong to the hos, who belong to the pimps.
    Doubly so.

  3. ha- finally a question I can answer- Cyrillic keyboards don't always have the apostrophe, so this is quite common when reading typed Russian, for instance...the only problem being, of course, that this in NOT Russian so I guess that doesn't totally answer the question... ;)

  4. i'm guessing they just held shift down for the capital letters and didn't release it for the (inappropriate) apostrophes

    or maybe it was a broken keyboard

    i hate it when people do'nt use apostrophe's and "quote" mark's correctly at the same time.

  5. sitboaf stole my comment!

  6. well, it IS scary. in so many ways.

  7. i didn't realize that there were a multitude of hos who dabble in agriculture. and are their pimps paid in bushels? all these questions are going to keep me up at night, fo sho.

  8. I think it is supposed to look like fangs... very frightening
