Saturday, December 15, 2007

"soccer ball"

I guess you can't actually play soccer with it. Thanks, Danny.


  1. That one actually seems correct. It looks to me as if the box is filled with toy balls, and several are colored to look like a soccer ball. If the customer gets one of those particular balls (which, no, you really can't play soccer with), it's good for a free meal.

  2. Of course: it's actually a football.

  3. i imagined a begruding european signmaker acerbically typing "soccer ball" since too many kids were getting excited over mini pigskins.

  4. This is in no way correct. Geez, why do people feel the need to do that?

    Completely, utterly unnecessary.

  5. I think I was once taught to use quotation marks around a word if I use it to describe something other than the real definition of said word.

    Is that correct, or no?

  6. Yes. You are referring to use-mention distinction.

    "Fish" starts with an F.
    Fish are an aquatic species.

    You put a word in quotation marks if you're referring to the word itself, and not what it defines.

  7. Maybe it's a kind of speedball.
