Wednesday, December 26, 2007

or any day

Yeah, yeah, the slogan thing. But isn't it better to imagine that they don't, in fact, light anything? Or that, action movie one-liner style, they light things on FIRE?? Thanks to contributing editor, Jim.


  1. As someone who has worked for newspapers for a few years now, all I can say about this blog in general is: Thank you. And God bless us, every one.

  2. I think the sign proclaims someone is planning on getting good and stoned this christmas

  3. Ditto! "Lighting up the holidays" sounds like Santa and the boys down in the workshop are going to put on a little Bob Marley and celebrate with a joint or two.

  4. Sorry smarties. This is actually a proper use of quotation marks. The marks are surrounding a statement or testimonial by a person.

    This is a fun site and all, but using quotation marks to mark a quotation isn't ironic, it is correct.

  5. people just don't read faq's like they used to.

  6. Really, anonymous? Who said it? You can't just randomly quote testimonials and not credit the person who said it. That would be irresponsible and... improper.

  7. Still... I'd like to see a period at the end of that slogan, preferably before the close quote.
