Jacqui had just moved back to Brooklyn from California and found this sign somewhat appropriate, given the relative quality of mexican food in both places. I've never eaten in New York, but I know what it's like in LA. Mmmm El Gran Burrito...
Relatedly, have you read that they are marketing Taco Bell in Mexico as American food? I love that.
Does the second set of quotes cancel out the first set and make the food genuinely Mexican?
I think the double set of quotes makes the word look like a little Mexican jumping bean.
Burritos aren't even from Mexico. It's Tex-Mex.
Found you from Jen. This blog is "hilarious". ;)
I can't focus on the quotation marks because of all the lovely slogans that have been added in, all involving numbers: "Yummy 4 My Tummy!" and something that looks like "Dare 2 Try!". I definitely want "2 try" some of that ""Mexican"" food.
I forgot to mention that I want to give a special award for putting a heart over the "I" in "Burritos". Burritos are definitely a heart-friendly option and should more often be noted that way.
I "heart" this web site. For years, my "family" has alledged that I'm the only "person" with an eye twitch caused by badly "punctuated" signage. At last, I have found my "people"!
Maybe they aren't quotation marks at all, but comic-book-esque movement lines... the word Mexican is just shaking around a bit.
I'm so excited to happen upon this blog pointing out bad punctuation. Do you also comment on the blatant misuse of the apostrophe? I'll enjoy checking back here.
Burritos aren't Mexican, nor are most items on the Taco Bell menu.
Anonymous said: "Burritos aren't even from Mexico. It's Tex-Mex."
Actually, they're from California, not Texas.
Anonymous - check out the links along the right-hand side for the "Apostrophe Abuse" and "Apostrophe Catastrophe" blogs (I may not have their names right).
I think maybe these are more like motion lines, to show that it's, uh, a vibrating word?
I agree with John. Seems they're more meant to show something like vibrating.
This one definitely needs to join the "members" of the Classics Club.
And there is no way in "hell", I would eat at that restaurant. The "yummy 4 my tummy" all but guarantees a trip to the "emergency room".
if you get that manic after partaking of the food, i say steer clear.
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