Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry "Christmas"

I'm taking it easy on the posting, as these are days full of family events for me. I'll keep posting when it's convenient, but I make no promises.
In the mean time, I hope those of you who celebrate Christmas are having a lovely holiday, and those who don't are having a lovely day. I am enjoying time with my family and look forward to seeing my sweetheart soon.
Thanks for reading the "blog" - it's been a pretty exciting part of my life in 2007!
Love, Bethany


  1. back atcha . . . I visited your site tonight after looking at my Google Analytics (which I rarely look at for this blog--I'm more interested in what goes on with my other blog, but there's some weird wordpress/blogger rivalry that prevents me from using google analytics on my other blog) and realizing that most of my "driven" traffic to CuriousSigns comes from your site! So thanks for that! (now if I would get smart and start doing ads!)

    Then I realized that you are friends with Kent & Shelley . . . I knew you were from West Michigan, but that's just weird. I work for the CRC (and this blog does NOT represent the views of my employer! or whatever legal disclaimer I need to make!) and "know" Kent & Shelley because we facilitated their internship last summer . . .

    small world, huh?

  2. Merry Christmas! And thanks for being awesome and keeping me sane amidst all the ridiculous quotation marks which surrounded me all year.

  3. Merry Christmas to you!

    Thanks for all the chuckles...

  4. Merry Christmas! Thanks for the laughs during some stressful events the last few months!

  5. "Have" a "good" "year", I "enjoy" "your" site .

  6. And a belated Merry Christmas to you, Bethany, and a premature Happy New Year, too. Though I haven't commented before, this seems as good a time as any to tell you how very much I enjoy your blog and share its contents with friends. Thanks for all the fun!

  7. Thanks for all the good work.
    Might we see a poll in the very near future, where we can vote for the year's worst/funniest quotations?
    That would be great.
    Also... I... uhh... love you, too.

  8. peace and love to you and yours as well...many times, this is the best site I visit on my daily surf!
    I look forward to more of this silliness in 2008.
    btw...you like haiku?
