Tuesday, December 18, 2007

it's "only" a "washroom"

Thanks, Lisa. Evidently if you're a person with a skirt it's not a washroom, and if you're a person without a skirt it's so much more!


  1. Wow, I like the asymmetry of it. Very mod.

  2. From Toronto, Ontario, should anybody be curious

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. this is fabulous.

    it almost makes me want to cry sexism, but it's just ambiguous enough to confuse me.

  5. also, I love the side ponytail on the woman.

  6. Bethany, I love your site. I found it a while back.

    Just wondering, have you ever seen a Waffle House menu? That's a doctoral thesis of misuse of quotation marks all in one piece of lamenated "paper."

    I don't know if you publish websites much, but I found a page on a friend's site that I thought I would share.

    "We also accept scratch and sniff stickers as collateral"

  7. I get the feeling whoever wrote the signs felt the quotation marks were required, but he/she wasn't exactly sure where to place them. On top? On bottom? Thank goodness for two sexes!
    Yeah, I love the added ponytail too. Really enhances the A-line dress.

  8. one-legged dress wearers with side-ponytails. that's awfully specific.

    i really don't feel as if i've been properly represented as a woman.
