Sunday, December 23, 2007

it's all pink

Laura saw this one in Ealing, London. I suppose, techincally, white wine is kind of beige and red wine is kind of purple, so maybe the sign maker was a color purist...


jspencer said...

Either that or wine that cheap can't really be classified the same way. "yeah, it's kinda like red wine..."

onebadscrivener said...

Do you think "in these premises" (on the other sign) is idiomatic, or possibly also an error? In the U.S. it's usually "on these premises."

jspencer said...

I didn't notice that, but I think it's a mistake. I'm not sure you even can be "in" premises.

Anonymous said...

so it's "red" and "white" wine 2 for $5? Yeah, I think the quotation marks are absolutely necessary here! :P

Anonymous said...

Actually, andi, it is 2 for £5, meaning 2 for US $9.89.