Wednesday, December 19, 2007

excuse me, ma'am, sparkle alert

I know, more bathrooms. So, I wonder what would happen if somebody threw glitter everywhere. Would you have to advise the Wendy's manager because it was not "sparkling" but, in fact, sparkling?
Thanks to Keith in Silver Spring, MD.


  1. "I seriously doubt your commitment to sparkle motion!"

  2. ^
    Love it. LOVE! IT!

    Anyone who makes a DD reference is okay in my book.

  3. That really should have been the title of this post. Awesome, clutter chonny!

  4. I was just in a Wendy's yesterday, and the bathroom was definitely NOT sparkling or "sparkling".

    They did not appear to appreciate my comments.

  5. Wouldn't that mean that they "appreciated" them?

  6. the crooked sign already detracts from assumed "sparkling" restroom.

  7. DD? don't be so esoteric. if you love it so much, then share. or marry it.

    it would appear someone was so aversed to the message that they were compelled to nearly yank the sign off the wall. such passion.

  8. Donnie Darko.

    If you've never seen it, don't read about it, don't even look at the box art. Just watch it. It's better if you have no idea what to expect going in.

  9. And I would marry it if George Bush would stop trying to "preserve the family" and allow human-media unions.

  10. Donnie Darko. "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!"

    Also recalls Tina Spackle from Strictly Ballroom.

    (May we spank them for being their own valued guest?)
