Mike saw this in Lawrence, Massachusetts. I'd be hesitant to make such a permanent sign announcing clean restrooms, as actual cleanliness is likely to vary. Perhaps this is the reason for the quotation marks. Also, bragging about your restrooms is a good way to get them trashed, I would think...
Is this a recent pic? I haven't seen gas under $3 for months here!
I received this pic about a month ago, I don't know when it was taken.
I went on a huge blogwalk and found you -- don't ask me how I got here. After checking out quite a few of your photo entries my "skin" is "crawling" with all the unnecessaries going on.
I feel your pain! I'll definitely be back. AND, I'll be keeping the proverbial "eye" out. LOL.
OH boy! I'm hoping I don't have to go while passing through that town.
Yeah. The 2 dollars and seventy-something for a gallon of gas was too distracting for me to properly enjoy the improper "".
That sign makes me make a yucky face. Gross. Well, at least they look clean...
Maybe that sign WILL make those restrooms a target and the claim of "cleanest" will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Hey! This is my picture! Awesome, so glad it got posted.
This was taken on Halloween night of this year, and it was definitely some of the lowest gas we had seen in the area.
cmThe food sucks, but the bathrooms are faaaaantastic!
wow, they're really reaching if the restrooms are the selling point. it's my experience to get the stink-eye if i stop in merely to partake in the facilities, and then i feel guilty and buy some little vacuum-sealed food-like item that i'm gonna feel guilty about eating later. but here, i'd feel welcome to come just to marvel at the town's premier potty.
At least they're honest...?
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