Friday, November 09, 2007

i wonder what's written around the corner

Charlie sent me this. I love that dangling opening quote, just asking to include any other words that might get painted on that truck later. Game: who can come up with the best writing that might appear around the corner?


Unknown said... you don't have to."

Anonymous said...

Adam Gurri! That was my idea! Now I have to come up with another one. :)

...on Tuesdays during months with Rs in their names when the full moon is waning."

jspencer said...

...if you can't take the hint, we're syaing your car's a piece of sh**"

jered said...


Sean Flanagan said...

... instead of 'scrap metal'," says our company president.

What? I can be optimistic that this isn't actually misused quotes!

Anonymous said...

... and process it."

Anita said...

for less than it cost you to smash it up."

Q said...

...because we can and you can't MWAHAA"

Anonymous said...

...and sell platinum and gold."

john said...

... because it's shiny. And hey, shiny!"

Anonymous said...

... bands."

James Gilmore said...

...when we're really drunk. That's when it sounds like a great idea."

theseventhgeneration said...

...but don't tell our insurance company!"

Brandon Dilbeck said...

...but don't know what to do with it!"

sara said...

"...for cheaper than cheaper."

Unknown said...

...capische? "

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

..., OKAY, MOM?! We get it, we're not neuroscientists, but at least we're proud."

^This would probably wrap around to the front.

Mr. McGregor's Daughter said...

... Especially the Little Metal Pull Thingies on Wine Bottles."

Anonymous said...

...and are still richer than you."

Scott Breitbach said...


Jennifer said...

so "Jesus" has more time to worry about what he is doing."

Anonymous said...

wow impressive! so who wins? (btw this is not a game submission) i'm partial to:

so you don't have to

like we buy cheap whores

not ugly houses

and process it

bcause it's shiny, and hey, shiny!

when we're really drunk. that's when it sounds like a great idea.



dang. that did not narrow it down. maybe they can make it an ongoing slogan, different on each truck. i'd be all, "hey i was stuck behind the cheap whores one on the freeway today!"

bethany said...

John, Sarah and Scott made me laugh the most. But we're all winners here.

john said...


Anonymous said...

... PSYCH!"

Anonymous said...

...from guys named Bubba.