Tuesday, October 23, 2007

you know, the "big winner"

Bruce writes about this one: "I guess the 'pumpkin' is really a styrofoam prop, or maybe a yak in
gourd's clothing." I'm wondering if this is really a contest you want to "win". Probably you have to dispose of the "Giant Pumpkin". Good prize.


bmark said...

Your blog is quite funny! I have put a link in my own blog to yours. Thanks for the laughs.

Shady Gardener said...

What a fun blog! It makes me want to start one about improper uses of the apostrophe. :-) (i.e., Do they really mean possessive... or would the plural form of the word be more appropriate?)

Beto said...


Excellent idea!!!

Beto Aveiga " :P "

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's one of those contests where they don't want to damage anyone's self-esteem. So, nobody is a "loser" and the "winner" isn't any better than anybody else.
Well, except that they may receive a "prize".

Anonymous said...

Is there a blog for the cent sign with the decimal in front of the number making it less than a penny? I hate that.

Avril Marchegiano said...

The poor pumpkin/ gourd/ kumquat looks like it's halfway to dead. It just needs some sweet love.

Anonymous said...

I think the quotes around "winner" means the contest is rigged.

Anonymous said...

Punctuation goes inside quotes. "Win." "Giant Pumpkin."

Unknown said...

I think "winner" is a bit ominous... forced to have sweet sweet pumpkin sex on a fetish porn site. ALWAYS read the fine print of the contests you enter.

(p.s. my word verification word is "uplimy" and that sounds dirty too.)